Anyone can become a victim of a car accident through no fault of their own. Even the safest vehicle offers limited protection in a high-speed crash. Road hazards can cause a slide and rollover. Injuries in high-speed crashes require expensive medical care and treatment. You may need a Chula Vista San Diego auto accident lawyer.
Types of Car Accidents We Handle
Hit & Run
In California, the law states that if a driver of any motor vehicle gets into an accident or collision, the driver must stop to see what damage has been done and whether anyone else was hurt. Drivers are required to produce their driver’s license; failure to do so may result in criminal charges that are separate from a civil suit for damages for the accident
If you have been injured in a hit and run accident in Chula Vista, contact our Chula Vista Hit and Run Accident Lawyer Howard Kitay to obtain experienced legal representation to pursue compensation for your injuries. Hit and run accidents are especially troublesome for the victim, as the guilty party shows no concern about whether or not they have injured another person.
Causes Of Hit and Run Accidents
In Chula Vista and across California, drivers who cause an accident may illegally leave the scene, becoming a hit and run driver for many reasons:
- Unlicensed driver
- Fear of possible damages
- The driver is Driving under the influence, of alcohol or drugs
- Driver does not want additional points on their record
- Driving with a suspended license
- Afraid of losing their driving job
Injuries Suffered In Hit And Run Accidents
Howard Kitay hit and run accidents attorneys understand how devastating a hit-and-run accident is upon the victim’s family if an injury or death occurs. A claim may include some or all of the following expenses:
- Medical bills
- Surgical expenses
- Lost wages
- Rehabilitation therapy treatment
- A disability that could be permanent
- Psychological treatment
- Property damage
- Pain and suffering
- Wrongful death
Hit and Run Accident Legal Recourse
Deliberate action and/or negligence are factors in many Chula Vista hit-and-run accident cases. Howard Kitay is dedicated to helping you win your personal injury case. They help you make it through this distressing time, and that you understand all legal processes you are asked to go through to win your case. Obtaining fair compensation is the primary goal that the Howard Kitay hit and run accident attorneys seek every client, and they always work aggressively to achieve that goal.
Pedestrian Accidents
Anyone can become a victim of a pedestrian accident through no fault of their own. An accident involving a pedestrian can occur on a roadway, in a crosswalk, on a bridge, on a bicycle path, or even on a designated pedestrian walkway. Accidents can happen when a driver fails to yield, makes an unsafe turn, runs a stop sign or red light or if a vehicle is equipped with defective parts and has had brake failure or other mechanical problems. Pedestrians are injured when hit by a bicycle, bus, taxi, truck, or another vehicle. They may even be injured by another person who is running on the same path.
Our attorneys and specially trained investigators conduct thorough reviews of all pedestrian accidents. We call in expert witnesses to reconstruct an injury scene. They look at road surfaces, debris, traffic lights, and visibility factors. They conduct a detailed analysis of the accident and track back to determine who the responsible party or parties are and if negligence was a factor.
Serious Pedestrian Injuries Caused By A Car Accident
A pedestrian involved in an accident may experience severe physical injuries, no matter what other object or person they have collided with. These injuries will require expensive medical treatments, especially for head and spinal injuries. Victims might receive any of the following serious injuries:
- Broken bones
- Severe head trauma
- Spinal cord injuries
- Paraplegia or Quadriplegia
- Amputations due to severe injuries
Events that follow a pedestrian accident can be expensive and life-changing. If you are injured while walking, you could suffer immediate physical injury, temporary or long-term work loss, and incur high medical and hospital expenses. You may need psychological treatment or physical rehabilitation therapy. You will have pain and suffering and possibly a permanent disability, brain injury, or loss of a limb. The worst case is death that may come after much pain and suffering by the victim and their family. In addition to driver negligence, some pedestrian injury accidents are caused by poor roadways, unsafe parking lot surfaces, or neglected walkway maintenance.
The Chula Vista Law Office of Howard Kitay is dedicated to serving clients who have been injured because someone else was negligent. Negligence is the cause of almost all pedestrian accidents. According to statistics compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA), over 78,000 pedestrians are injured each year when they were hit by a car or truck. Of those victims, almost 5,000 will die from their injuries.
Our attorneys and specially trained investigators conduct diligent reviews of all car accidents. We call in expert witnesses to reconstruct an injury scene. They look at road surfaces, debris, traffic lights, and visibility factors. They conduct a detailed analysis of the accident and track back to determine who the responsible party or parties are and if negligence was a factor.
Pedestrian Accident Lawsuits
In a majority of pedestrian accident cases, negligence is a factor:
- There may be multiple responsible parties.
- The investigation can determine if there was negligence and who is responsible.
- Even with the most diligent awareness, pedestrians can be injured by others.
Successful negotiations often result in settlements before the court appearance. Each case will be investigated thoroughly, and we are very aggressive in seeking a winning outcome for you.
Free Pedestrian Accident Case Evaluation
This initial consultation will help you understand your options and possible future course of action. When you have Howard Kitay’s representation, no fees are charged unless we win your case. Reserve an appointment now for your free consultation; call (619) 754-6854.
Bicycle Accident
Anyone can become a victim of a bicycle accident through no fault of their own. A bike offers little protection in a crash with a larger vehicle. Road hazards can cause a sudden spill, and crowded roads may surprise the rider with the extreme lack of room for bicyclists. A truck or car may not see the bicyclist approaching an intersection and pull out directly in front of the rider. Injuries may require expensive medical treatments, especially when there are head and spinal injuries.
A bicyclist may be thrown off their bicycle and into another vehicle or a stationary object. They could become pinned under the vehicle that hit them or lose a limb in the accident. Typical bicycle accident injuries and damages may include:
- Physical injury
- Work loss or disability that prevents working
- Medical and hospital bills
- Psychological anguish
- Rehabilitation therapy or surgery
- Pain and suffering
- Death
Bicycle accidents can leave the injured rider with major physical and psychological damage. Attempts to recover compensation for damages and injuries can become a long and involved process. During this time of contention with a negligent party who caused the accident, our clients and their families have peace of mind knowing they have an expert litigation team on their side.
If you were injured while riding your bicycle, seek legal representation from Howard Kitay immediately and begin your recovery from your injuries. Have confidence knowing that Chula Vista accident attorney Howard Kitay has successfully represented bicycle accident victims for more than two decades. Our skilled car accident attorneys have the experience in and out of the courtroom to help you receive the fair compensation you deserve. The Law Office of Howard Kitay is dedicated to serving clients who have been injured because someone else was negligent.
Since California residents are fortunate enough to be able to enjoy a moderate climate, many sports enthusiasts and environmentalists choose bicycle riding as a favorite pastime. Some unlucky riders, unfortunately, are injured in various types of accidents. A bicycle accident with a heavy-duty truck often leaves the rider severely injured or worse; deaths are not uncommon when a bicycle crashes with a truck or other vehicle. Even wearing a quality helmet cannot always protect the rider and the result is often a traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Bike accidents can leave the injured rider with major physical and psychological damage. Attempts to recover compensation for damages and injuries can become a long and involved process. During this time of contention with a negligent party who caused the accident, our clients and their families have peace of mind knowing they have an expert litigation team on their side.
The Chula Vista Law Firm of Howard Kitay focuses on personal injury law and recovering the maximum settlement or court award for client injuries and property damage. We provide our clients with experienced, knowledgeable, and seasoned legal representation to obtain the maximum compensation possible.
Bike Accident Lawsuits
In a majority of bicycle accident cases, negligence is a factor:
- You should not suffer because another person was negligent and caused you harm.
- Drivers should be alert to potential driving dangers, including the presence of bicycle riders on the road.
When Howard Kitay Law Office represents an accident victim, the case is thoroughly prepared. In the great majority of cases, successful negotiations result in a settlement before any court appearance. We investigate each case thoroughly and are aggressive in seeking that win for you.
In Chula Vista, Howard Kitay Law Offices offer you a free case consultation. We will make sure that you understand all your rights. When Howard Kitay represents you, no fees are charged unless we win your case. To schedule your consultation call (619) 754-6854.
Drunk Driving And DUI Accidents
The Chula Vista Law Firm of Howard Kitay will provide DUI accident clients with experienced legal representation to help them obtain compensation for injuries and damages resulting from an accident with a driver who was intoxicated. By driving while drunk, a driver is considered to be negligent under California law. They must submit to testing for substance abuse and will face criminal charges in most cases, depending on the blood alcohol content level.
Negligence is an essential element of any personal injury lawsuit; the lawyers at Howard Kitay Law Firm are experienced and understand how to obtain winning results for their clients who have been injured in DUI accidents. Families of persons killed by a drunk driver may sue for compensation for funeral and burial expenses, loss of companionship or guardian, and other claims.
DUI Accident Injuries
- Physical injuries: burns, flesh wounds, broken or fractured bones, amputations
- Work loss or disability that prevents working
- Medical and hospital bills
- Psychological anguish
- Rehabilitation therapy or surgery
If you were injured by a driver who was drunk or intoxicated, seek legal representation from Howard Kitay immediately. Our attorneys will build a solid case so you can begin your recovery from your injuries while seeking damages with a win in court or settlement negotiations.
Chula Vista DUI Accident And Negligence
In a majority of DUI driving accident cases, negligence is the primary factor:
- You deserve compensation for financial and personal losses incurred because a driver was negligent and caused you harm by driving when drunk.
- In 2008, the California Highway Patrol reported there were over 2000 alcohol-related accidents and 104 fatalities in San Diego County; 0.08% of blood alcohol is considered to be DUI. Limits are even lower at 0.04% to 0.01% for commercial drivers, 0.01% for drivers under age 21.
- Most DUI accidents occur on weekends, by younger male drivers and those who have an established drinking problem or who are alcoholics.
DUI accident drivers must submit to alcohol testing and pay for emergency response expenses.
When Howard Kitay Law Office attorneys represent DUI accident victims, the case is investigated and vetted for a win. In many cases, successful negotiations result in a settlement prior to court. We examine every case thoroughly and will aggressively seek a win for you.
Contact Our Chula Vista DUI Accident Attorney
Take comfort that Chula Vista DUI accident attorneys at the Howard Kitay Law Firm have helped to represent DUI accident victims for over two decades successfully. We have won millions of dollars in awards for our personal injury clients. Our skilled attorneys are highly experienced in and out of the courtroom. We will work diligently to help you receive the fair compensation you deserve. The Law Office of Howard Kitay is dedicated to serving all clients who have been injured by negligent drivers who drive while intoxicated.
Free DUI Case Evaluation
Howard Kitay Law Offices offer a free case consultation to potential clients. This helps you understand options and your future course of action. With an injury attorney like Howard Kitay representing you, there are no fees charged unless your case is won. We only take fees out of settlement funds or monetary court awards. Reserve your free consultation appointment now; call 619-442-0542.
Maximizing Your Car Accident Settlement – Exposing The “Multiplier Method” Myth
No doubt you have heard of the so-called “Multiplier Method” of determining settlement value in car accident cases. Simply put, the medical bills are multiplied by 3 to calculate the amount of the settlement. In fact, the ‘multiplier method’ is nothing more than a scam perpetrated by the insurance companies to keep settlements low.
Just as every person is unique, every car accident claim is unique. The belief that there is an easy way to arrive at the “correct” amount of settlement is a fallacy which the insurance companies have encouraged to keep settlements low.
A Simple Example Illustrates The Point:
Rear-end collision, whiplash, $3,000.00 in chiropractic bills, full recovery after three months.
Rear-end collision, mid-spine disk injury, non-surgical, $3,000.00 in medical bills, chronic back pain.
According to the “multiplier method,” both victims would receive a $9,000.00 settlement. However, Victim B sustained a back injury that cannot be fixed by surgery; as a result, Victim B will suffer chronic back pain for the rest of her life.
The law says every accident victim has the right to compensation for all pain and suffering, past, present, and future. Obviously, the “multiplier method” of settlement cheats Victim B and prevents her from receiving a fair settlement.
In personal injury law, every case is unique, and the lawyer you choose to represent you makes a difference. At the Law Offices of Howard Kitay, we have negotiated personal injury claims of all sizes with insurance companies for over twenty years. Every case is prepared for trial, as this is the only way to get maximum settlement value for your case. Because every case is prepared for trial, most cases settle before trial – for maximum settlement value. The insurance company adjusters are professionals; you need an experienced Chula Vista San Diego auto accident lawyer on your side.
Uninsured Motorist Coverage: How It Works, And Why You Need To Have It
Recent reports from insurance companies note a stunning rise in the number of drivers who are cutting back or even dropping their auto insurance to save money during the recession. Karl Newman, president of the Northwest Insurance Council, a trade association based in Seattle, warned that “we may be looking at record numbers of uninsured motorists across the nation.”
“When you see a multi-car collision on the freeway … if there are more than three or four cars there, at least one of them is likely to be uninsured,” Newman said.
Industry figures back up that concern. By next year, 1 of every 6 drivers on U.S. roadways is likely to be uninsured, according to the Insurance Research Council, a nonprofit group financed by the insurance industry. The figure is higher in California.
All of this underscores the importance of carrying uninsured motorist coverage. If you are in an accident that is not your fault, and the responsible driver does not have insurance, the failure to carry uninsured motorist coverage may cause you a tremendous financial hardship. In most cases, you will not be able to recover from medical bills, lost wages or pain, and suffering.
However, if you carry uninsured motorist insurance, you are covered! With uninsured motorist coverage, even if the responsible party has no insurance, your own insurance company will pay to repair or replace your vehicle, pay your medical bills, lost wages, and compensate yours for pain and suffering.
Uninsured motorist coverage provides you enormous protection against the carelessness of others, at a relatively low cost. Uninsured motorist coverage premiums are far lower than the other premiums on your policy.
Uninsured Motorist Claim Will Not Increase Your Premiums
Often, people are reluctant to use their uninsured motorist coverage, for fear that their premiums will increase. This is a false fear. If the collision was not your fault, your premiums would not increase when you use your uninsured motorist coverage. Nor will your insurance company consider dropping you as an insured.
Underinsured Motorist Coverage
Many people are not aware that uninsured motorist coverage becomes ‘underinsured motorist coverage’ in those cases where the responsible party has insurance, but the value of your claim exceeds the coverage the responsible party carries. In California, drivers are required to carry minimum coverage of $15,000.00 per person. Where the responsible party carries only $15,000.00 coverage, and your damages exceed that amount, your uninsured motorist insurance becomes ‘underinsured motorist’ coverage, and you have a claim for the difference between $15,000.00 and the limits of your uninsured motorist coverage. While all of this may seem confusing (the insurance industry makes these rules confusing on purpose), a quick consultation with an experienced Chula Vista San Diego auto accident lawyer will clear up any confusion, so you understand your rights.
Understanding Your Car Insurance Coverage
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners, which represents insurance regulators in all 50 states, confirmed recently that most Americans are uninformed about what their auto policies cover. A quarter of Americans rarely or never review their policies, the association reported in a survey, while three-fifths review their coverage only when they file a claim or renew their policies. As a result, tens of millions of Americans are driving around with policies that don’t reflect major changes in their incomes and family situations. “Now, more than ever, consumers need to be mindful of the impact their insurance decisions can have on their financial future,” said Terri Vaughan, chief executive of the Association.
The Chula Vista San Diego auto accident lawyer at the Law Offices of Howard Kitay has been assisting clients with an uninsured motorist and underinsured motorist claims for over twenty years. We will be happy to help you obtain the benefits and financial compensation you deserve for your injuries, pain, suffering, lost wages, and medical expenses.
Contact Our Chula Vista San Diego Auto Accident Lawyer
At The Law Offices of Howard Kitay, there is never a fee until we win your case. Our legal team is ready to put our legal advice to the test. We advance all costs of litigation. If there is no recovery, you owe us nothing. We have represented thousands of clients throughout Chula Vista for over twenty-five years. Our Chula Vista San Diego auto accident lawyer is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.