Kitay Law – Helping San Diego Get Home Safely
The most important part of a night on the town is getting home safely. The simple fact is that, more often than not, a night on the town involves drinking. At the Law Offices of Howard Kitay, we’ve seen the devastation and heartache that drinking and driving can cause.
We want to help everyone make it home. To do just that, we’ve partnered with a the amazing ride sharing app Lyft to help make the safe and smart choice the easy (and lower cost) one.
So fire up the Lyft app on your trusty IOS or Android device and request a Sober Lift Home. The Law Offices of Howard Kitay will take care of the first $20.
Fourth of July 2014
Free rides in the name of freedom! The Sober Lift Program is back the July 4th and we are offering up another $2500 in free Lyft Credits!
The code – KITAY – will be live on Friday July 4th, at 4 p.m. Have a safe Independence Day.
No need to thank us, although a shout out on Twitter with the hashtag #soberlift would be pretty cool!
Mardi Gras 2014
This Fat Tuesday- March 4th – the firm will be offering codes worth $20 towards a Lyft ride home.
All you have to do to redeem one is enter the code – KITAY – in the promo area of your Lyft app
Brought to you by the San Diego personal injury attorneys at The Law Offices of Howard Kitay.